Today and That Day

"Truth For Today"

Irrefutable and compelling conversations.

The videos here are hosted in embedded YouTube as well as in HTML5 formats (streamed from our server). The audio-only podcast version is also available for those who would like to listen to the audio only. If you would like to download and save a video for later playback, such as for your local church or house church fellowship, please follow this easy method:
Messageweek Ministries

Seven Link Chain

Who or what is the arbiter of morality and truth? Exploring the absolute authority and ultimate relationship we can have, granting us power, courage, identity and authenticity. 33 min. #984

Messageweek Ministries

Revelation: Monsters, Beasts & a Dragon

Spoiler alert: We don't have to particpate in the movie of life without knowing its end! 31 min. #983

Messageweek Ministries

Time, Talent, Treasure & Testimony

How hard is it to confess Christ in a sceptical, unbelieving world that doesn’t care? But that is exactly what we’ve been tasked to do. The easy option, of course, is to deny Jesus when the going gets tough. 35 min. #982

Messageweek Ministries

Church Life Experienced in Community

Exploring sacrificial, committed and dedicated love as experienced in the Body of Christ, the church, as the apostle Paul elucidated in Romans chapter 12.
41 min. #981

Messageweek Ministries

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem

I recall seeing the shell-pocked old-city walls; the disabled tanks and war armoury littering the Negev desert sands, and the sonic boom of unseen, overhead aircraft in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv! 9 min. #980

Messageweek Ministries

Finding Favour (Sermon)

With God, we don't have to strive to earn work-based points, because His favour towards us is established in Christ! 27 min. #979

Messageweek Ministries

Finding Favour

When you know that you are unconditionally loved.

6 min. #978

Messageweek Ministries

Pentecost, Prescriptive or Descriptive?

May our conscience, as elevated, counselled and compelled by the Holy Spirit, guide our heart, heighten our conviction and equip our discernment, and then be manifested by our participation. 24 min. #977

Messageweek Ministries

Convicted by the Holy Spirit

Are you filled and convicted by the Holy Spirit? If so, no one will be able to withstand the wisdom or righteousness that emanates from you, all the days of your life, for you are under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. 29 min. #976

Messageweek Ministries

The Heart of the Law

Sermon message exploring the heart of God's law, as shared by Joshua Anderson. 22 min. #975

Messageweek Ministries

Absorbing Isaiah

The scholars, theologians, lawyers, scribes, the Pharisees and the Sadducees, in other words, the learned, Jewish religious leaders familiar with the scriptures, were completely blind to the Messiah in their midst! 20 min. #974

Messageweek Ministries

Facing the Giants

The snake is universally a symbol of the cunning serpent in Eden, the gigantic, wrathful red dragon and that “serpent of old” who deceives and destroys.
29 min. #973

Messageweek Ministries


"Do you believe this?" He asked the grieving woman with tears streaming down her cheeks. 36 min. #972

Messageweek Ministries

He Who Trembles At My Word

We shared a similar sermon as below in Mundaring, WA, during Sabbath worship services, and felt it worthy to share it here again. 25 min. #971

Messageweek Ministries

He Who Trembles At My Word

Are you a casual Christian, an armchair Christian or a cultural Christian? The terrifying news is that the One you hope to benefit from says, "Get away from me. I never knew you!" So, what does it take to authentically follow Jesus Christ? 31 min. #970

Messageweek Ministries

Introduction to the Gospel of John

The first 18 verses of John's testimony are perhaps the most powerful and defining in all the Biblical corpus. John chooses his words carefully, and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he draws our attention to light and belief.
43 min. #969

Messageweek Ministries

Glory of the Bread of Life

Idolised movie actors aspire to passing and vain glory. God, however, is inviting us to see His glory, experience His glory, and be bequeathed and transformed into and by His glory. 36 min. #968

Messageweek Ministries

The Appointed Times of the LORD

Exploring the Christology of the "appointed times of the Lord," as it pertains to Jesus' statement, "I Am the Bread of Life."! 36 min. #967

Messageweek Ministries

The Path to Glory On the Road of Suffering

There's no easy street. It's a narrow, winding path. Few find it. But, those that do are not alone. Jesus Christ paved the way. He is the Gate. He is the Way. He is the Bread of Life. And He invites you and I to enter His glory! 32 min. #966

Messageweek Ministries

The Path to Glory

Calling, redemption and honour is followed by response, responsibility and righteousness, which is often followed by suffering for righteousness sake. The glory that follows is solely attributable to the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ in our stead. 41 min. #965

Messageweek Ministries

Celebrating, Proclaiming & Commemorating

What are the intrinsic differences between the old covenant and the new covenant? And, how does it apply to us today? 38 min. #964

Messageweek Ministries

God is Nearer Than We Think!

Does God really number the hairs on our head? Does He actually feed the birds, send the rain, and hear the needy? Did God really "speak" everything into existence? Exploring the transcendence, immanence, imminence and providence of God. 36 min. #963

Messageweek Ministries

The Words We Speak!

Ultimately giving account of every idle word we speak!

20 min. #962

Messageweek Ministries

Today, And That Day

Acknowledging the joy, privilege and responsibilities of life today, as well as beholding the transcendent glory of the greater reality that lies ahead, often referred to in scripture as "That Day." 31 min. #961

Messageweek Ministries

Martha, Martha, Mary & Mary

Woven into the very fabric of the gospel narratives were women disciples who teach us what it is to be "just like Jesus"! 31 min. #960

Messageweek Ministries

The Power of Intercession

We pray earnestly, intentionally and ceaselessly, and rising from our knees, we know that our petition has been heard on high! That’s the power of enduring faith. Mountains are moved and stony hearts become hearts of flesh!
34 min. #959

Messageweek Ministries

Today, And That Day

Join in and tell your friends about this great opportunity for worship and fellowship, seminars, workshops and the business of our church in Australia.
3 min. #958

Messageweek Ministries

Treasured Possession

God loves us. He yearns zealously over us. In His eyes, we are His treasured possession, "the apple of His eye", and He wants to give us everything good.
28 min. #957

Messageweek Ministries

Christ Centred Church

Why would you invite your friend to church services? What about the church just down the street - why not fellowship there? Are there any biblical distinctives that are non-negotiable? 44 min. #956

Messageweek Ministries

You'll Never Walk Alone!

When we come to the end of ourselves, with no "arrows in our quiver", depleted, exhausted and humiliated, it's at that moment when Jesus meets us. He lifts us out of the "miry pit" or the enemy's snare with goodness, mercy and grace.
37 min. #955

Messageweek Ministries

Sin, Iniquity & Transgression

History is remembered for its heroes, those who overcame great obstacles and adversity, to finally overcome self, the world and Satan, and follow a higher calling through our Lord Jesus Christ to receive the “Crown of Life”. 28 min. #954

Messageweek Ministries

Our Sufficiency in Christ

Is your identity in Christ? Is your sufficiency in Christ? And, is your narrative then anchored in Christ? 33 min. #953

Messageweek Ministries

Your Younger Self

What would you say to your younger self?

7 min. #952

Messageweek Ministries

Clothed in Kindness

Nakedness is testimony to our conscious self-awareness, a transcendent dignity, as well as being a clay model work-in-progress - in other words, we're not yet complete. So, how do you dress each day? 31 min. #951

There is no greater joy than knowing our Lord Jesus Christ, and in Him finding our true identity, vision, courage and clarity, purpose, meaning and destiny.

Pastor John Classic

30+ years filming. 960+ gospel films. One compelling message.

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Our videos are often utilised for playback in churches and house fellowships. Because some internet connections suffer from buffer (and especially if the video is further broadcast or restreamed), we strongly recommend firstly downloading the video to your notebook or computer prior to playback. That's one of the reasons we host an HTML5 video alternative.

Using the Edge or Chrome web browser (Firefox requires an addon), click on the H5 Play video button (as per the images below). Stop automatic playback. Then, simply click the three little dots on the lower right hand side of the video window, and choose the Download option. Once saved (usually in your Downloads folder) you may then play or restream the video (in M4V or MP4 format) offline and directly from your notebook. Hope this information is helpful.

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