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The videos here are hosted in embedded YouTube as well as in HTML5 video and formats (streamed from our server). To download and save a video for later playback, such as for your local church or house fellowship, please follow this easy method:
Messageweek Ministries

Job's Story of Suffering and Redemption

Job didn't understand his suffering, and thus we empathise with a broken man wrestle the injustices of tragedy and loss. Jesus, however, embraced his suffering. He carried his cross, willingly gave up His life before rising as conqueror, bequeathing peace and ultimate justice for all. 36 min. #1014

Messageweek Ministries

Job. His Story, Suffering & Redemption

Discover the extraordinary symbolism in this true story, as painted on a canvas much bigger than a light, surface reading of Job's perturbing, if not disturbing, account of suffering. 27 min. #1013

Messageweek Ministries

The Counsel, Conviction & Comfort
of the Holy Spirit

A baby lost by miscarriage. Twin nine year old girls killed in a freeway crash. Four siblings drowned at sea. How can we navigate and emerge from tragedy and devastating loss? 38 min. #1012

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:14 ESV

30+ years filming. 1000+ gospel films. One compelling message.

How do I save a video for later playback?

Using the Edge or Chrome web browser (Firefox requires an addon), click on the H5 Play video button (as per the images below). Stop automatic playback. Then, simply click the three little dots on the lower right hand side of the video window, and choose to download and save for later playback. The video can then be found in your Downloads folder. It can then be played back later.

Choose the H5 Play video

Click the three little dots

Choose the download option

Allow the download to complete


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