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Selected Short
Resurrection Videos

"Don't be amazed at this, for the time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear His voice and come forth. Those who have done good to a resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to a resurrection of judgment."
(John 5:28-29)

Videos are streamed both from Youtube and from our HTML5 server
Messageweek Ministries

Hope in our Lord Jesus Christ

Are we no more than a conscious blip between two oblivions, with no hope or higher moral arbiter? That's the atheistic view. Don't let the deception dissuade us from finding our true identity. Your life does have hope, meaning and transcendent purpose. God is, and He reveals Himself as our Father, our Creator, and through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. 27 min. #993

Messageweek Ministries


"Do you believe this?" He asked the grieving woman with tears streaming down her cheeks. 36 min. #972

Messageweek Ministries

Celebrating Resurrection

We believe that Jesus was bodily resurrected after being in the grave for three days and three nights. This faith position then also includes promises of subsequent resurrections.
42 min. #871

Messageweek Ministries

Madeline will live again

At the heart of every human is the seed of hope, and at the heart of hope is the desire for certainty. 1 min. #864

Messageweek Ministries

Resurrection Hope

"If a man dies, shall he live again?" A question from antiquity asked about 5000 years ago. Do we have any reason to hope in the transcendent beyond our last breath? 23 min. #850

Messageweek Ministries

Resurrection HOPE

Science cannot offer a transcendent and certain, future hope. Science cannot offer meaning and morality; Jesus however does. Jesus tells us of our identity and eternal destiny, and only in Jesus do we have hope, meaning and purpose! 5 min. #824

Messageweek Ministries

The Resurrection of Jesus

It's easy enough to believe in Jesus as a historical figure, and plausible to believe in his brutal and tortuous death. But, to believe in his literal, bodily resurrection is a quantum leap of faith and onto a whole new and vigorous narrative. 27 min. #812

Messageweek Media Ministries

Meet Jesus

Are you ready to meet your Maker? Because, one day you will meet Jesus either as Saviour or as Judge! 2 min. #797

Messageweek Media Ministries

Appointed Times of the LORD

Exploring the orthodoxy of Jesus entombment of three days and three nights leads to some surprising conclusions. 24 min. #770

Messageweek Media Ministries


Exploring the origin, meaning, purpose and transcendent reality of marriage between a man and a woman, exclusive of others, in faithfulness for a lifetime. (We've included this video here because of an overt and important reference to the resurrection in the closing minutes.) 32 min. #688

Messageweek Media Ministries

Will We Live Again?

Are we courageous enough to ask those big questions and are we further prepared for the confronting answers to our reality?
4 min. #640

Messageweek Media Ministries

The Bread of Life

Exploring the intersecting of resurrection in Jesus' I AM and I WILL statement. 6 min. #631

Messageweek Media Ministries

The Word of the LORD

The power of the Word of the LORD, spoken at creation, thundered at Sinai, personified in Christ, written into our hearts, and promised at resurrection. 2 min. #609

Messageweek Media Ministries

Resurrection Hope

Elijah and Rory were eight year old school friends, tragically killed in a car accident. Can you put your arm around the shoulders of their grieving parents, and offer genuine words of hope? 20 min. #602

Messageweek Media Ministries


Why is the resurrection of Jesus so central to the Christian faith? Interview by Leah Anderson. 16 min. #574

Messageweek Media Ministries

Story of our lives?

Is this the story of our lives? Heading with no control to the end? 38 second video. Order your copy of our free, easy-to-read book "Hope of the Resurrection" now, posted to your address. No cost. No follow-up. Just our gift to you.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Appointed Times

"The time is coming..." said Jesus. Our time on this earth is short. Is it the end of the story - or just the beginning?

Messageweek Media Ministries

Grandma's Prayers

CYour great grand parents went to their graves believing they would see their loved ones again.

Messageweek Media Ministries

The Awakening

Early preview of Resurrection film, shot on location throughout Australia.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Certain Hope

Do you know the difference? Are you "certain" or "uncertain" about the things you hope for? 16 min.

Messageweek Media Ministries


Pastor Whaid Rose summaries this central doctrine in an excerpt from his sermon "The Whole Man for the Whole World".

Messageweek Media Ministries

Embracing Jesus

"You're a Christian - a follower of Jesus? What does that mean? asks Leah Anderson.

Messageweek Media Ministries

Resurrection Hope

Believing in Jesus' resurrection and anticipating the resurrection of all people, we'd like to give you a free, autographed copy of the book "Hope of the Resurrection".

Messageweek Media Ministries

Loved Ones

Will you ever see your loved ones again?

30+ years and 900+ gospel films sharing one glorious hope.


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