The year that is

Gospel videos 2019

The videos hosted here are dedicated to Jesus  Christ, His word, His work and His will,
for the glory of our Heavenly Father.

Videos are streamed in both Youtube and HTML5 formats
Messageweek Media Ministries

The Holy Spirit

Why is church doctrine important? Sermon message exploring the nature and work of the Holy Spirit.
38 min. #670

Messageweek Media Ministries

Knowing You

Presented at Sabbath worship services in Mundaring, Western Australia, Leah Anderson and Rebecca Klassek sing "Knowing You". 4 min. #669

Messageweek Media Ministries

The Deity

The first in a series of doctrinal presentations, exploring The Deity of God our Heavenly Father. 44 min. #668

Messageweek Media Ministries

Radio Ministry

Working actively to share the gospel in the local community, the Church of God (Seventh Day) in Mindanao, Philippines, owns and operates a radio station. We spoke with a few people involved in this ministry. 19 min. #667

Messageweek Media Ministries


We've been media streaming gospel films through the internet for the past 22 years, and today just uploaded our 666th gospel film! 6 min. #666

Messageweek Media Ministries

If Anyone is in Christ

Pastor John explores the preeminence and supremacy of Jesus over doctrine, theology, prophecy, tradition and culture. 45 min. #665

Messageweek Media Ministries

Ministry in Myanmar

While recently visiting several churches in Myanmar, International Ministerial Congress Executive Director Bryan Cleeton interviewed one of the widows a local church is assisting. 20 min. #664

Messageweek Media Ministries

God is Love

Exploring the nature of God's love, and how this love transforms us in every way.
28 min. #663

Messageweek Media Ministries

Living as Exiles

Explore the journey from Babylon through ages and empires to the fullness of Jesus Christ's Kingdom glory.
28 min. #662

Messageweek Media Ministries

All I Have Is  Christ - Discipleship

Sister Rebecca sings "All I Have Is Christ" and Pastor John explores the nature of Christocentric discipleship. 38 min. #661

Messageweek Media Ministries

Conversations: Interview with Bryan Cleeton

In this interview as filmed in Dallas Texas last month, Bryan Cleeton shares of his calling and current work in international ministry.
10 min. #660

Messageweek Media Ministries

Conversations: Interview with Robert Coulter

Elder Robert Coulter reflects on his life and ministry in the pioneering work of the International Ministerial Congress, Church of God (Seventh Day), as interviewed by John Klassek. 25 min. #659

Messageweek Media Ministries

United in Christ:

Being surrendered to and united in Christ clarifies the call to stewardship, in this case being about the work of evangelism.
26 min. #658

Messageweek Media Ministries

Conversations with
Brent Kern

Enjoy the conversation as John Klassek interviews Brent Kern with a live audience at the festival fun show on the Emerald Coast in Florida, USA. 8 min. #657

Messageweek Media Ministries

Conversations: Interview with Ramon Ruiz

Interview with Ramon Ruiz, president of the International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day). 10 min. #656

Messageweek Media Ministries

Conversations IMC

In this interview, Joshua Anderson asks current IMC Secretary John Klassek about his experience serving in the International Ministerial Congress. 11 min. #655

Messageweek Media Ministries

IMC Sabbath Prayer

On the first Sabbath in November every year, the Church of God (Seventh Day) joins in celebration around the world acknowledging God's good work among us, and expressing gratitude to him for those who labor among us. 3 min. #654

Messageweek Media Ministries

Covenant Story

Sharing the best covenant story we could ever hear!
1 min. #653

Messageweek Media Ministries

Standing in the Truth

"If we are complicit by our silence and apathetic in our actions, we will be judged accordingly in another generation." 26 min. #652

Messageweek Media Ministries

The Value of Gold

Is there anything more precious and enduring than gold? Filmed in Kangoorlie, Western Australia. 5 min. #651

Messageweek Media Ministries

IMC Annual Sabbath 2019

Celebrating God's good work around the world amidst different cultures, languages and ethnicity, yet proclaiming the one LORD, one faith, one gospel and one hope. 3 min. #650

Messageweek Media Ministries


The human condition and story, in all its rawness and beauty, is only understood in the person and image of Jesus Christ. History apart from salvation is meaningless. 29 min. #649

Messageweek Media Ministries

Wedding of Michael & Rah

Celebrating the wedding of Michael and Sierrah.

18 min. Film #648

Messageweek Media Ministries

Seeking Justice

As in the days of Noah... Discussing Justice and Judgment in this new studio-filmed message. 32 min. #647

Messageweek Media Ministries

The Identity & Preeminence of Jesus

Who are you looking out from behind your eyes? What is your identity, how did you arrive there, and what do you base your identity on? 29 min. #646

Messageweek Media Ministries

Identity of Jesus Christ

How do we understand and articulate a Christ-centered theology and orientation with an old testament narrative? 26 min. #645

Messageweek Media Ministries

Christ Centered Gospel

The mystery of the ages finally revealed in Jesus Christ, and therefore what it means to be Christ-centered.
Teaching version 53 min. Sermon version 34 min. #644

Messageweek Media Ministries

Count it all Joy

Navigating challenging times by answering the question of whether the answer is, "No," or "Not yet.
35 min. #643

Messageweek Media Ministries

I am Not Ashamed

"I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ," affirmed the apostle Paul, setting the standard for every follower of Jesus.
27 min. #642

Messageweek Media Ministries

Spirit of God

We are more than just a chemical and neurological phenomenon. The spirit in man together with the Spirit of God transforms us into children of God for eternity. 26 min. #641

Messageweek Media Ministries

Will We Live Again?

Are we courageous enough to ask those big questions and are we further prepared for the confronting answers to our reality?
4 min. #640

Messageweek Media Ministries

Living as Exiles

Exploring the similarities of the mandate given to those exiles who lived in Babylon thousands of years ago, with that of a follower of Jesus Christ in this age. 28 min. #639

Messageweek Media Ministries

The Jesus Hook

Returning to the calling of our salvation in Christ, despite the disdain expressed by some when it comes to mentioning "Jesus".
32 min. #638

Messageweek Media Ministries

Confronted by Christ

Are you sufficiently equipped in Christ? Will you remain strong, stand your ground and speak your testimony? 38 min. #637

Messageweek Media Ministries

Just One Word

If God were to speak to you just one word, what might he say?
4 min. #636

Messageweek Media Ministries

Truth and Light

Sermon message titled "Truth & Light" as shared by Pastor John Klassek at the recent and first Church of God (Seventh Day) Sabbath worship service held in Sydney, Australia. 29 min. #635

Messageweek Media Ministries

Gift of the Holy Spirit

What's the determining difference between life and death? The answers is truly life transforming. 23 min. #634

Messageweek Media Ministries

Still Small Voice

The will of the Father and the word of the Lord Jesus Christ as conveyed to us by the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. (Studio recorded sermon message). 35 min. #633

Messageweek Media Ministries

I Am Jesus

Discussing the preeminence of Jesus Christ, with the assertion that in discovering who Jesus is and in coming to know him personally, we find our own true identity. 35 min. #632

Messageweek Media Ministries

The Bread of Life

Exploring the intersecting of Jesus' I AM statements with his I WILL promises. 6 min. #631

Messageweek Media Ministries


The seven I AM statements by Jesus, as recorded in the Gospel of John, viewed together with Jesus' numerous I WILL statements.
7 min. #630

Messageweek Media Ministries

In the Beginning

Where does the world's most printed and published book begin?
2 min. #629

Messageweek Media Ministries

As in the Days of Noah

What do you stand for, and with whom do you identify? 30 min. #628

Messageweek Media Ministries

This is the Message

This is the message we've heard from Him... 2 min. #627

Messageweek Media Ministries

It's all about Me

"All those scriptures point to Me!" The Lord Jesus Christ is the centrepiece of the old testament and fully revealed in the new covenant. 8 min. #626

Messageweek Media Ministries

Conversations with
Pastor Dick Baclaan

Pastor Dick Baclaan shares of the journey of the Church of God (Seventh Day) in the Philippines, as interviewed by IMC Secretary John Klassek. 21 min. #625

IMC News

IMC News

Introducing the second edition of IMC News, a quarterly newsletter published by the International Ministerial Congress of the Church of God (Seventh Day) featuring Ramon Ruiz's editorial on the importance of the Lord's Supper. 1 min. #624

Messageweek Media Ministries

Pre-eminence of Christ

The surpassing peace of God versus those transitory but terrifying beasts and apocalyptic imagery that pepper scripture only find their context in the pre-eminence of Jesus Christ. 24 min #623 

Messageweek Media Ministries

The God of Covenant

At different times and in different ways a faithful God engages us in love, endearment, sacrifice and patience through the vehicle of covenant. Sermon by Pastor John Klassek. 31 min #622 

Messageweek Media Ministries

Why we need to be
Christ Centred

Pastor Jason Overman explores why we need to be Christ centred. IMC Zone 2 Convention, Belize, Central America, March 2019. Spanish translation by Daniel Flores. 43 min. #621

Messageweek Media Ministries


Conversation with Pastor and IMC Zone 2 representative Walter Apen, discussing his calling to Christ and ministry now throughout Central America, as interviewed by Pastor Daniel Flores.  19 min. #620

Messageweek Media Ministries


Commemorating, celebrating and proclaiming Jesus Christ's death, resurrection and glory, again this year at the Lord's Supper (Christian Passover). 2 min. #619

Messageweek Media Ministries


Conversations with Phil Kordahi, Pastor and IMC Zone 6 Representative, discussing ministry throughout the Pacific Rim.
13 min. #618

Messageweek Media Ministries


Pastor Hector Renderos, during a recent visit to Australia, discusses life and ministry with IMC Secretary John Klassek. 14 min. #617

Messageweek Media Ministries

Modelling Gratitude

Gratitude must be lived before it can be shared, giving thanks to God in Jesus' name in all we say and do. The future well-being of our children and grandchildren may well depend on this grace! 2 min excerpt. #616 See full sermon.

Messageweek Media Ministries

First Love

The enduring power of "first love". Sermon message shared by John Klassek, Mundaring, Western Australia. 28 min. #615

Messageweek Media Ministries

Law, Grace & Truth

The strength and power of God's Law is that it leads us to Christ! Watch entire message and explore the beauty and relationship between the pillars of Law, Grace and Truth. 1 min. #614

Messageweek Media Ministries

Character trumps Accomplishment

By what or by whom are you defined? 1 minute excerpt from "The Character of Christ. #613 (Watch full sermon)

Messageweek Media Ministries

Distinct, Yet Inclusive

Being distinct is to live counter-culturally. While the world slaves on in its relentless materialistic pursuits, we pause to rest - in the name of Jesus. 29 min. #611

Messageweek Media Ministries

Ministry of Reconciliation

As ambassadors for Christ, we speak only his words on his authority and reflect a reconciling grace here on earth - even as it is in heaven. 4 min. #610

30 years filming. 670 gospel films. One compelling message.


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