Messageweek Ministries film studio

About Messageweek

Learn more about our work.

30+ years filming.
1000+ gospel videos.
One prevailing message.

We are a not-for-profit, good news media service, using film and streaming technologies to share the best news we could ever hear! Each video is centred on the most influential person in history, Jesus Christ, and it is our hope that insight and inspiration from his life and teachings will help convict and transform the lives of many more people.

Jesus often taught using parables. We remember the stories told us from childhood. Today many gain their moral compass from stories told in movies and television. We recognise, more than ever before, that "a visual generation requires a visual gospel." 

Our film work started in earnest with on-location filming in Jerusalem, Israel, in 1985. Our first digital films, in dial-up formats, first streamed over the internet in 1997. As internet technologies developed, our work in sharing the gospel via media also escalated.

Our mission  and ministry in film has always been to simply share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Of the 1000+ gospel films produced, our topics essentially have focused on the essentials  of "Receiving Jesus", "Resurrection hope", and the "Return of Jesus." All exult in the identity, life and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The past three decades of media ministry work has provided not only a growing experience in the grace and truth of our Lord Jesus Christ, but by the counsel and conviction of the Holy Spirit also seen many engage and deeply consider their own faith journey.

We hope and pray that you are blessed and encouraged by the timelessness of God's grace and truth in this complex world of faith versus secularism and good versus evil.

Jesus invites us to come to Him and abide in Him.
He wants us to step into His vision and purpose!

We invite you to partner with us in this labour. Please pray that the LORD of the harvest would call and commission many more disciples, who with fervent vision and Christ-centred identity, passionately embrace the work of supporting ministry work. We need capable media producers, editors, presenters and those gifted in apologetics who can speak into this generation’s greatest need. It also requires personal sacrifice in the LORD Jesus Christ's service so that yet another person can hear and embrace the good news. Jesus wants us to step up into his vision and purpose.

Messageweek Ministries

The name of Messageweek Ministries is derived from the weekly cycle of work and Sabbath rest. It's on the sanctified and blessed seventh day of the week that many followers of Christ receive their spiritual nourishment from the God's Word. Our lives are busy; our days often full of cares. But when Sabbath comes, we pause from the distractions of the temporal and servile, and instead experience a freedom in Christ that grants us true rest. Every week for almost three decades now, we have uploaded a new gospel video.

Volunteers helping advance Jesus' Kingdom

"Thanks to the many volunteers who, at various times and from their resources, have blessed this ministry. Thank you!"

Messageweek Media Ministries

"A visual generation relates to a visual gospel!"

General Information

Some basic statistics regarding Messageweek Ministries


Years ago

We streamed our first short gospel film via the internet in 1997.

Still in its fledgling form, the internet those days was based on dial-up modem speeds with videos of just 160 pixels width. Now almost three decades later, with ever improving technology, we're even more compelled, in greater clarity and beauty, to share the timeless message of salvation and glory in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Messageweek Ministries is one of the world's oldest media streaming services!


Gospel videos

For almost three decades, we've produced hundreds of gospel videos dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. The message of hope, identity, purpose and resurrection in Christ isn't new; instead, it's a neglected truth, and undoubtedly the best news we could ever hear!

Whether you're looking for teaching materials, inspiration or an edifying gospel message, or are here simply curious and seeking, we hope the message of Jesus speaks into our deepest need and search for truth.

General Public


Christians looking for content


Viewers aged 15-35 years


Female viewers


Male viewers


Your Privacy

Your privacy in visiting our online services is important. Our websites are SSL encrypted, protecting web visitors and all transactions. Furthermore, we do not collect, solicit, distribute, on-sell, manipulate, or share with third parties your personal information. Our private, self-hosted analytics utilising cookies is simply to monitor traffic in general and this is only in order to improve our services to you. All online forms submitted are followed-up privately, securely and personally, and once acted upon, are deleted. We respect your privacy.


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