Messageweek Ministries, sharing the best news we could ever hear, via online video and livestreaming

Welcome to Messageweek

The best news we could ever hear!

30+ years filming. 1000 gospel videos.
One compelling message filled with joyous and certain hope; a narrative of being loved and redeemed into a life of meaning, purpose & identity!

Hope that speaks into our deepest longing!

No religion. No flattery. Just the truth, every week!

Our work is simply to share the good news of Jesus Christ via online film and video. Thus, we upload a new gospel video every week. Why? Because it's the best new we could ever hear!

What was personally witnessed by his disciples two thousand years ago was eventually committed to parchment and then further traversed the known world by wooden sailing ships. Centuries later this extraordinary good news and life-changing message was printed into book form. In more recent times, this good message was further broadcast on radio, television and now it reaches from the "ends of the earth" via digital media. This ageless message of hope continues to herald the call to repentance and forgiveness, to a redeemed life of transcendent meaning and identity in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We pray that the timeless good news message of Jesus Christ compels and convicts us on our faith journey. There is no other way. There is no other truth. Only in Jesus do we have hope, meaning, purpose and identity.

Featured short video - less than a minute!

These shorts are usually excerpts from longer video messages, or are specifically studio-filmed.

For dozens of additional short videos, please view our YouTube shorts.

Of interest, our very first videos produced in 1997 were "shorts" at not much longer than a minute in duration. It is interesting that our most successful modes of outreach are those tiny, byte sized seeds sown in what we hope and pray is the fertile soil of the human heart.

There is no greater joy than knowing the Lord Jesus Christ, and in Him finding our true identity, meaning and purpose. There is no other way; there is no other truth; only in Jesus do we have certain hope!

Pastor John Classic

Be confronted. Be comforted.
Meet the Lord Jesus Christ!

"Receive, Return, Resurrection and Rest" pervade many of our gospel films.

Thank you!

We appreciate your support, prayers, and affirmation in our Lord Jesus Christ.


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