Praise God! Rebecca and I arrived back late on Wednesday night after the work and witness with our church in the USA was concluded. We convey warm greetings from our brothers and sisters in the Church of God (Seventh Day) in the USA and also from Guatemala – ministers who also attended the North American Ministerial Council.
So many elders and their wives in the USA also send their personal greetings to us here in Australia, not only appreciating the great geographical distances between our countries, but cherishing the unity and joy of the Holy Spirit in our Lord Jesus Christ. Not only was it good to meet up with old friends in the faith, but wonderful to have gotten to know those who faithfully serve among us in the USA.
It was also good to have met with the board members of the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation, as well as speak together with the US General Conference board. So much more can be accomplished in conversations over meals and face-to-face exchanges, than we can otherwise experience through those digital utilities be they through email, Zoom or WhatsApp! Thus, Rebecca and I count our blessings and give God thanks for all He has provided.
On the final Sabbath in Dallas, Texas, we were gathered with over a 1000 church members from the surrounding districts for worship and fellowship. What a wonderful time together! Rebecca and I really appreciated the right hand of fellowship and blessing, as the NAMC not only invited us to attend, but also paid for our meals and accommodation. We have much to indeed be grateful for!