The Rise of Islam

There’s no disputing it. Islam is on the rise. And the face we’re seeing, but trying not to believe, is an ugly one. One written in anger and in blood, in ominous moon and black flags, slavery and conquest.

So why now? What has held the forces of Islam in check – since four centuries ago, when they had advanced beyond the gates of Vienna and were beaten back – that their desire to conquer the world with their own brand of government, religion and ethics is finally gaining momentum?

It’s a good question, and one that probably has its roots in the strength and ethics of our formerly Christian-rooted societies. Our grandparents grew up in a West that was distinctly flavoured by the Bible. “Love thy neighbour” was an undisputed truism. But today, are we not, more proud of our “secular society” than of our heritage? And therein lies the heart of the issue.

Have we not lost our moral compass, evidenced by the social issues that are on the agenda today? For example, our grandparents would shudder to know how we’re bent on embracing homosexual marriage. They would weep over the shocking abortion statistics. And they would groan that we teach our children “evolutionary” garbage while conspicuously abandoning any reference to God and faith values.

So, where are we headed? In a year’s time from now, how will we see 2015? More bloodshed? Heightened terror alerts? Stronger Islamic aggression, near and far? Will our military efforts to stop Islamic extremism and expansion fail? Will indecisive foreign policy, in hindsight, have been grossly inadequate?

Democracy has the potential to collapse, the signs of which are already apparent in Europe, where large immigrant families (of Islamic origins) are outnumbering generally low western birth rates. So given enough time, Sharia law quite easily could be democratically voted in. And should that happen, Islam’s rise to world domination would be unstoppable.

Imagine seeing a strong and capable military leader emerge, and with him a powerful and charismatic religious imam – some call him the Mahdi. It’s not hard then to imagine the widespread and “legal” beheading of innocents – whose only sin is to deny the validity of Mohammed.

With eyes on the comparatively small state of Israel eventually becoming militarily overrun by its larger neighbours; when the missiles and rockets are let loose, it might be hard not to think that what is called Armageddon is upon us.

The irony is that we can’t say we weren’t warned.

Did you know that the Bible (the same book our grandparents read) warns about just that kind of scenario, a time of world domination by a ruthless and brutal world leader edged on by his “religious” counterpart? A time of intense solar activity leading to global warming? That a third of mankind is brutally killed? And, did you know that unless divine intervention occurred (that’s what Jesus taught), humanity would utterly destroy itself?

Jesus spoke about a coming conflagration on earth that has never happened before, nor He said will ever happen again. Jesus stated that He is coming again – this time on a rescue mission and this time claiming Kingship.

Of course, the incumbent leaders won’t go without a battle. Can you imagine that day?

Most people today hardly think about Jesus, let alone His coming. Do you? Do you believe that our only hope in this age, in any age for that matter, is the saving work of Jesus Christ?

It was Christian ethics and morality that has held Islam in check now for almost 1300 years (just read the annals of history). And it is Christ who will bring Islam to an end – there is no other way, for secularism is already falling prey to its terrible power.

John Klassek

Written by John Klassek

Signposts Of Our Times

We all want to live in safe and peaceful times. But, do we today?

The past 70 years since World War 2 should have taught us that the price of freedom has been paid in blood. And yet since then we have seen more bloodshed with more lives lost – the statistics are simply overwhelming. We’ve watched the development of frightening nuclear armaments coupled with failed United Nations resolutions. Anyone who seriously considers where we are today cannot help but wonder where we’re headed!

Do far off economic uncertainties and radical Islamic threats to destroy other nations in a blazing fireball all seem a bit irrelevant? It’s all a matter of perspective. A million starving people in Sudan is less important than our favourite sporting team losing a game.

Is it possible, that despite the best of human intentions, we’re living dangerously on the precipice of a nuclear hell? Have you ever wondered about increasing economic upheaval, terrorism, ongoing uprisings, famines and earthquakes, disease epidemics, all overshadowed by the spectre of nuclear war? Can we afford to ignore these trends? Surely we in the prosperous West wouldn’t distract ourselves from those realities by more personal spending and superfluous living? Or reserve our attention for sporting heros and movie celebrities?

Ever since the dawn of recorded history, our world has been characterised by its epochs of bloodshed. Many thought the Roman conquests were the epitome of brutality and suffering, exceeding that of the Babylonians, Persians and Greeks before them. Entire populations were decimated. History clearly documents that. Then there were the Dark Ages, with disease and war affecting millions of people. In more recent times, two world wars destroyed over 60,000,000 lives. Somehow, humanity has survived until now.

Are we able to read the signposts of our times? While “God” matters little in the West today, Islam’s agenda is guided by its theology, and the news is deeply disturbing. Thankfully, there are clear pointers that should help us if we’re willing to listen.

Let’s go back some 2000 years ago when an itinerant visitor known as Jesus left us with warnings of approaching cataclysmic times. His claim was that he was the Son of God, and He told those around him who enquired of the future that unless divine intervention occurred, no human would survive. (Matthew 24:21-22) Either he was wrong about the past, or He was referring to a future we’re yet to see!

Our planet could easily become a charred, irradiated ember, and like the rest of the universe, be inhospitable to sustaining life.

But that’s not how the story ends. There is good news. Jesus said that he’s coming again. He is coming again because he has unfinished business – His timely arrival will save us from ourselves.

There’s a solitary bronze statue outside the United Nations building in New York. It was given to the UN by the Soviet Union in 1959, and it depicts a world beyond this time of trouble. The statue is modelled from the words that come from an ancient prophet through whom God spoke:

They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. (Isaiah 2:4)

Peaceful and safe times are ahead, but there is a rough road between now and then. The question is whether we’re awake as to what is really going on? Are we prepared to believe the words of Jesus?


By John T Klassek