Evangelical brothers

I’m struggling with the perspective by some that our evangelical brothers, including Phil Robertson (of Duck Dynasty fame), aren’t genuine followers of Jesus Christ. If that is the case, then are we not running the risk of replicating the work of the Pharisees – creating burdens and judgemental standards we’re not entitled to? For example, I’ve heard the assertion that “keeping certain laws under the alias of Biblical tradition”, for example, are used as a test of fellowship and a requirement for salvation. If that is the case, then we have perhaps failed to discern where and how God is working.

There are many brothers in the faith, across a spectrum of denominations, and like the demographics in the Churches of God, wheat and tares seem to equally exist across most if not all fellowships. We are all sinners. The “old man” still exists in degrees in all of us. We all fall short of God’s righteousness, but the bill has been paid in Jesus’ blood. We are responsible, of course, to what God has revealed to us.

Phil Robertson’s words and warning originate from his love for Jesus, his repentance and conversion, and clearly motivated by God’s Holy Spirit, exhibits a willingness to carry his cross in this evil world. Most of the prophets of old God sent to his people were either killed or chased out of town. Phil seems, today, to have also entered their ranks!

So let’s not be too harsh or judgemental towards our evangelical brothers. Their following of Jesus must never be brought into question.


John Klassek

Author: John Classic

Pastor, IT Support, Film producer for MessageWeek Ministries