♦ Next featured sermon message for 5 April 2025 ♦
♦ Next livestream at 11:00am WA time, Saturday, 29 March 2025 ♦

♦ Church Livestream ♦

Welcome to Sabbath worship services in Jesus' Name.

Countdown to the next livestream

Countdown based on WA time, 11:00am Saturday

Featured sermon coming for Saturday 5 April 2025

On those alternate weeks when we're not livestreaming, we feature a pre-filmed sermon message 
which is scheduled to go live at 11:00am NSW time.

Next Australia livestream: 11:00 AM WA time | 2:00pm NSW/VIC time
Saturday, 29 March 2025

Livestreaming information

Sabbath worship services are livestreamed at 11:00am on Saturday mornings, Australia Western Standard time.

If you have missed our livestream, you'll find older streams archived below and, of course, at https://www.youtube.com/c/messageweek/ The latest livestream is usually available within a day after the livestream has ended. You may also subscribe to our YouTube channel in order to be automatically notified of new or upcoming content.

We hope our livestreaming service is a blessing to you and your family.

Featured Sermons

On those alternate Sabbaths when we're not livestreaming, we'll  host a quality, pre-recorded featured sermon for your Sabbath encouragement and edification.

Welcome to livestreamed Sabbath worship services

Countdown to the next Livestream:

Countdown is based on Western Australia time, 11:00am Saturday

Watch on your phone! 
Scan the QR code on the right to launch the livestream site on your mobile phone, or share with a friend.



Featured short.
One minute video.
Excerpt from sermon.

Additional shorts, visit here.

Catch up with a previous livestream or featured sermon

Recent livestreamed Sabbath worship services or studio-filmed featured sermons.



We are a Christ-centred, Spirit-led, Bible-based and Sabbath-celebrating church, living by the inspiration and truth of the Holy Bible and the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

We meet each Saturday morning for worship and fellowship, and welcome all in a spirit of grace and peace.

Join the worship this Saturday, locally or online.

Seven Statements


We welcome your feedback, comments, and suggestions.


Livestream improvements

We're constantly working on improving and updating our livestreaming service.
Please let us know if you experience any problems.

There is no greater joy than knowing who Jesus is, and finding our identity Him, granting us courage and clarity, hope, purpose and destiny.

Pastor John


Supported and sponsored by:

Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia
Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation
Christian Educational Services Australia
Messageweek Ministries
Classic IT Support
Bible Advocate Press

Copyright © Messageweek Ministries 1997-2025

Sponsored and supported by

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Your privacy in visiting our online services is important. Our websites are SSL encrypted, protecting web visitors and all transactions. Furthermore, we do not collect, solicit, distribute, on-sell, manipulate, or share with third parties your personal information. Our private, self-hosted analytics utilising cookies is simply to monitor traffic in general and this is only in order to improve our services to you. All online forms submitted are followed-up privately, securely and personally, and once acted upon, are deleted. We respect your privacy.

Featured sermon in HTML5 format (not YouTube)